I have come to that point of my life where i have no goals. In a way, you can say that in a world full of people chasing their ambitions, i merely embrace mediocrity.

P.S: Badhai ho; Love your posts, keep them coming : )

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Would you judge me if I confessed that I’m almost jealous of the life you lead today? 😅 But at the same time it fills me with a strongest hope and zeal I ever felt, that I might lead a life I want one day, which is quite similar to you bdw.

Thank you for being such an inspirational figure for me.

Good luck for your new phase in life.

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I resonate with all four things but the one that stands out most to me is 'fitting other people's definitions'. The reason it stands out is because I still struggle with it. I am trying to build a personal brand to help my business but I am scared of what other people will think.

Your article came at the right time and it has given me renewed motivation to do what feels right to me without worrying about other people.

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