I am really disappointed when i came to know that you have blocked me on Twitter. Please forgive me if i was offensive in any of my action. Your thought process really helped my mind to clear and surpass the path of my journey. I would really be thankful if you keep me in your circle.

Thank you.

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You will not be forgotten, so lose that fear. Schedule in a manner that works for you, and adjust as needed.

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Every time you show up in my twitter feed I smile. I smile even more when it's an email. I am so thankful for the way you show up. You have so much to offer.

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Do whatever feels right to you.

Ideally I'd suggest to make the most of one piece of content by adapting it both into article and newsletter form. Not a straight copy-paste but an adaptation that reads more personal in newsletter form.

It's a method that might potentially avoid burnout, yet keep your current schedule afloat.

And no, we won't forget you. I think the newsletter format really allows for your real fans to read/interact since a mailbox typcially is a place that people address with a lot of attention these aren't the same people that get bored and read another/ignore your newsletter. :)

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For me, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. You could just share an article on those off weeks, or share it with a short preamble about whats up if you want to make it more personal. Come on, even with following you on Medium there's no seeing everything you post.

I also respect the desire not to sell too much to your email list, but you might be overcorrecting. In the last email I got from you, you deliberately didn't put a link to your offer after mentioning it. That's silly. Why would I mind a link if I don't want to click it? It's leaving money on the table or potentially inconveniencing someone who is interested.

I understand an every 3 week sale cycle might be a lot, but I hope you can find a middle ground and not stop selling totally to your email list. You deserve to make money and as a fellow business owner, I don't like any content philosophy that totally cuts out selling. There's no shame in trying to help people through paid offers, and women especially have to overcome a lot more shade around selling. Question it. My two cents.

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You could try it and evaluate. Perhaps it will work better for you. If not you can change back.

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