Jun 18, 2023Liked by Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi

I found this post hilarious in a cute way. It’s so surprising. I work about 50+ hrs a week as a travel nurse and I still eat home cooked food.

I personally don’t like the taste of take out unless it’s a good restaurant. To answer your questions, I basically just list all the thing I like to eat and categorize it by protein.

For example, chicken meals

- stir fry vegetables

- chicken teriyaki

- oven baked chicken

This goes the same with beef and pasta.

So most of it take about 30 - 45 minutes to consume but what I do is I batch cook. So it’ll take me 2 hours to make 2 different dishes and I’ll eat that for the next 3 - 4 days since I don’t have time to cook when I work 12 hour shifts.

I have to microwave the food and it’s less fresh but I think it’s still better than buying food outside. Also, I use this time to listen to podcast, catch up on course recordings and so it’s not terrible. It’s actually very therapeutic sometimes.

As for the recipes, you’ll have to list all the things you like and then try them out. Tbh, you only need about 3-5 recipes to master and you can keep rotating around them.

Anyways I hope that helps!

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I want to laugh. Can’t find the laugh reaction.

Oh, we’re on Substack. 😁😁😁

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Hey Niharika. It's great that you’re trying your hand at cooking.

To answer your questions, I’ve been managing my clinic and side hustle along with cooking for a year now.

Since, me and my husband both have to live the house around 10, cooking breakfast is the first thing I do in the morning.

My meditation, exercise and everything else come later.

I usually stick to basics like poha, oats, upma or idli etc on weekdays because I don't have time to experiment. On weekends, it's more about fruit juices, and stuff. I strongly believe that what we eat first thing in the morning must be healthy and light.

It was tough to manage cooking with my routine in the beginning, but it gets easier with time. I don't know if you live with your in-laws or not but I do, and it's great to have my mum-in-law help me with cutting the veggies etc.

I hope this helps!

Also both your newsletters are a treat to my heart and soul. Keep writing!


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Congratulations on learning to cook!

Like Jerine, I also batch my weekly cook on the weekend. Breakfast is 8 dishes of overnight oats with PB2 or actual peanut butter for protein. (I can’t have other nuts.) or 1lb sausage, browned, with 10 eggs (beaten), and 10oz baby spinach. Salt, pepper, spicy salsa for flavor.

For meals, 2lb meat and 5-8c veggies is the basic formula. Make 2. Everything pre-measured and easy to pack in the morning.

Some people don’t like eating the same thing every day. And some don’t like “leftovers.” I eat to be healthy and alive, so I don’t experience my approach that way. When I don’t do this prep and have to make daily meal decisions in a hungry state, my brain is an unsupervised teenager with unlimited budget.

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I have a househelp who comes to my place and help to do the cooking- shooking.

Because of our culture, it is hard to ask them to pumpkin soup and beetroot rotis in the beginning.

However, by putting in sometime and energy you can train them well and once they know it all they are good to go without our time in it. Despite, having her I always make sure to be in kitchen for a couple of minutes for see her preparation, the process and just to be present in the kitchen because I feel light when I do some chores on my own for the food I eat. Call me old here!

Recipe - Try over-night oats with lots of fruits in it. I have added this in my friends life so well.

I hope this finds you happy :)

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Very well written. Good that you enjoy being at the receiver end, and trying a new hobby.

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It sounds like you’re having fun. That’s the important thing.

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